Esta guia es para que sepan como agregar los character que bajan.
Primero bajan un nuevo character y les debe de apareces en formato .rar o .zip, osea en forma de libritos, le dan doble click y se abre una ventana ahi le damos click a donde dice "extraer en" o "extract to" (depende el idioma),una vez que le den click a extraer escogen el escritorio y le dan click en aceptar. Depues les saldra una carpeta en el ecritorio con el nombre del archivo que bajaron, por ejemplo si bajaron uno que se llama Gaara, les quedaria asi:
Esa carpeta la movemos a la carpeta de chars que viene adentro de la carpeta WINMUGEN despues vamos a la carpeta de data que esta alado de la de chars y ahi un archivo que se llama select y vien asi :
;How to add characters
;Use the format:
; charname, stagefilename
;eg. For a player with filename "kfm",
; and stage filename "stages/mybg.def"
;type (without the semicolon):
; kfm, stages/mybg.def
;If you want to load a different def file, you can enter it
;as a directory plus the def file. This example loads up
; kfm/alt-kfm.def, stages/mybg.def
;If you put "random" as the stagefilename, then a random stage will
;be selected for that player. eg.
; kfm, random
;Zipped characters are also supported (experimental).
;Place the ZIP file in the chars/ directory. The name of the
;character's .def must match the name of the .zip. For example, if
;you have suave.def, then the zip file should be named
;, stages/mybg.def
;Optional parameters may follow on the same line, separated
;by commas. Each parameter has the form:
; paramname = paramvalue
;where paramname is the name of the parameter type, and
;paramvalue is the value to assign that parameter.
;The optional parameters are:
; - music
; Set the paramvalue to the name of the music file to use
; as the BGM for that character. This overrides the bgmusic
; parameter in the stage's .def file, so you can re-use the
; same stage for multiple characters, but have a different
; BGM playing for each person.
; - includestage
; Set the paramvalue to 0 to avoid including this stage
; in the stage select list (in VS, training modes, etc)
; - order
; Set the paramvalue to the ordering priority to give the
; character. Valid values are from 1 to 10. A smaller value
; means you will fight the character sooner. You will never
; fight an order 2 character before an order 1 character,
; and never an order 3 character before an order 2 one.
; For example, you might want to set your boss character
; to have order=3. The default order value is 1 if you omit
; this param. See *.maxmatches under [Options] for how to
; limit the number of matches per order priority.
; Some examples:
; kfm, stages/mybg.def, includestage=0
; kfm, stages/mybg.def, music=sound/song.mp3
; kfm, stages/mybg.def, music=sound/song.mp3, includestage=0
; kfm, stages/mybg.def, order=3
;You can also add a randomize icon to the select screen. To do
;this, put the word "randomselect" on a line of its own, with no
;extra parameters.
;Insert your characters below.
kfm, stages/kfm.def
vegetaub22, stages/vegetaub22.def
Gaara, stages/Gaara.def
DragonClaw, stages/DragonClaw.def
goku_ssj5, stages/goku_ssj5.def
Future Sasuke, stage/Future Sasuke.def
<---- aqui
ahi arribita es donde vamos a poner el nuevo character despues de averlo agregado a chars; como la carpeta se llamaba Gaara tuvimos que poner
Gaara, stages/Gaara.def si se hubiera llamado goku le hubieramos puesto
Goku, stages/goku.def
ok espero este clara